Himachal Pradesh Mukhyamantri Van Vistar Yojana

Himachal Pradesh Mukhyamantri Van Vistar Yojana

The Himachal Pradesh government launched a new scheme called “Mukhyamantri Van Vistar Yojana” on July 25, 2023 following a cabinet meeting. Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu announced this ambitious program that aims to provide green cover on barren lands and hills across districts in the state.

The objective is to prevent soil erosion and landslides through large-scale plantation drives that will see huge numbers of trees planted. The government will outsource plantation and maintenance work to locally hire people for seven years.

This unique scheme will boost the state’s green cover significantly while creating income and jobs for residents.

The government also announced that a task force under the forest officials will monitor the entire progress. The program will transform the ecology of the hilly state and benefit the incomes of many rural households through the sustainable model.

Key Details Of Himachal Pradesh Mukhyamantri Van Vistar Yojana

Target Areas:

  • The Mukhyamantri Van Vistar Yojana aims to focus on barren peaks and hill slopes across various districts in Himachal Pradesh
  • These areas have been chosen as they are prone to high risk of landslides and soil erosion
  • Planting trees on this unused and steep land will help anchor the soil, prevent floods, and reduce disaster risk

Plantation and Maintenance Plans:

  • For the actual plantation drive under the scheme, the government will hire local people to carry out the work
  • This will be done through an outsourcing model by partnering with community groups and organizations
  • The selected groups will then conduct large-scale sapling planting on the identified peaks and hill slopes
  • Additionally, these groups will be responsible for nurturing and safeguarding the trees for 7 years after the initial plantation

Oversight Committee:

  • Proper governance is key for effective implementation. So the government has proposed setting up an oversight committee
  • It will be headed by the Chief Principal Conservator of the Forest department to monitor all activities
  • The committee’s role will be tracking progress, addressing issues faced on ground, auditing expenditures etc.
  • This apex team will ensure transparency and that the scheme meets its environment and employment goals

Implementation Of The Yojana

The Mukhyamantri Van Vistar Yojana focuses its eligibility criteria towards state residents to encourage participation.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Only permanent natives of Himachal Pradesh can apply to be part of the plantation and maintenance work
  • This provides income opportunities to rural households and builds local capabilities 

Documents Required:

  • Basic KYC documents will be needed such as Aadhar card, address proof through residence certificate, age certificate, and identity cards such as ration card
  • Additionally, bank details will need to be submitted for easy payment transfers
  • A passport sized photo will also be required for records

Application Process:

  • The exact application process, such as online or offline forms, is yet to be announced by the government
  • It is known that local people will be hired through outsourcing models on a contract basis for plantation and caretaking activities
  • More details on how interested candidates can apply for these jobs will be shared after finalization

The implementation section covers eligibility focused on Himachal residents, key documents needed for verification, and the application mechanism which will be released soon.

Outsourced contractors will facilitate hiring locals for 7 years as part of their agreements. Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions on this implementation overview.

Benefits and Expected Outcomes

Environmental Benefits:

  • The scheme aims to significantly improve the green cover across Himachal Pradesh
  • Planting trees on barren lands and slopes will help anchor the soil and prevent landslides
  • It will also assist in soil conservation, enrich biodiversity and reduce flood risk 
  • Overall, the ecology of the region will be enhanced greatly 

Employment Generation:

  • The model to outsource plantation and maintenance activities to community groups will create jobs
  • Thousands of local residents, especially rural youth, are expected to gain employment 
  • The 7-year maintenance commitment after initial plantation will provide long-term incomes
  • New capabilities within local households will also build over time due to on-field training

Economic Benefits:

  • With increase in incomes in rural areas, demand and consumption is expected to grow
  • This has a positive multiplier effect, boosting overall economic growth 
  • The scheme may stimulate related enterprises like nurseries, equipment supplies etc.    

Greening barren lands, prevented natural disasters, job creation and spur in money circulation make this scheme hugely beneficial for Himachal’s environment and people. The initiative has received widespread support from experts and citizens alike.


  1. For how many years will maintenance of plantations be ensured under this scheme?

The government has committed to maintaining the plantations for 7 years after the initial sapling planting through hiring local contractors.

  1. What are the eligibility criteria under the job roles created by this scheme?

The jobs are eligible only for native and permanent residents of Himachal Pradesh as a key scheme goal is to provide employment to rural youth and households.

  1. What types of plantation maintenance activities will be involved?

Activities will include watering saplings, protecting them, pruning, removing weeds, replacing dead saplings, collecting seeds and other critical caretaking tasks.

  1. How much will workers and contractors be paid under the scheme?

The exact payment rates are yet to be announced but will be set keeping in mind norms under other government programs to provide attractive incomes.

  1. Will any training be provided to those working under the program?

Yes, the contractors outsourced will be responsible for adequately training all hired workers to equip them for specialized plantation care work.

  1. Which department will provide overall oversight on the progress?

An apex committee headed by the Chief Principal Conservator of Forests of the state will govern activities and track progress across districts.


We hope this article on the topic of the Mukhyamantri Van Vistar Yojana has provided in-depth information about the scheme, its objectives, implementation plan, and expected benefits. If you have any doubts or queries, please feel free to reach out to us for further clarification.


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